The uniqueness of JAPAN

17:57 Mardyha Mokhtar 0 Comments

Every country has a unique culture. There's no sense in saying that one country is more unique than another. Except when it comes to Japan.
Japan has many things in common with Asia. However, in some ways it also resembles Europe or even the US. In many other ways Japan is truly unique. Here are a few.
Daruma are highly stylized representations of a 6th monk known as Bodhidharma that are considered as lucky charms that are sold at temples. They date back to the 1700s. The traditional styles of Daruma are arguably kawaii with modern variations becoming more and more cute with time.
Kyaraben are lunch boxes designed to look like a picture, most commonly cartoon characters. They are popular among school children in Japan. Many parents of young school children feel pressure to provide their kids with a cute lunch. Kyaraben are also popular as a cooking related hobby. The aesthetic presentation of food in Japan has always been considered important, Kyaraben are a kawaii extension of this tradition.
2) OTAKU -are Japanese fanboys (nerds). Japanese people don't like the crazy image that otaku have brought to the country. The fact is that Japan isn't crazy.To a large extent the Otaku subculture is crazy either. Many otaku obsessions are just interesting pop culture.

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